“Scam as Survival in Central America.” Co-authored with Anthony W. Fontes. Ethnography 21(1) 2020: 137-147.
“Never Again: Religion, Commodities, and the State.” In The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Material Religion. Edited by Manuel Vasquez and Vasudha Narayan. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2020. Pp. 1020-1042.
“The Scales of Justice: Region, Rights, and Responsibility in St. Louis Missouri.” Co-authored with Bruce O’Neill. In Life Among Urban Planners: Practices, Professionalism and Expertise in the Making of the City. Edited by Jennifer Mack and Michael Herzfeld. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2020. 163-178.
“La Visita: Prisons and Survival in Guatemala.” Co-authored with Anthony W. Fontes. Journal of Latin American Studies 51(1)2019: 85-107.
“Disenfranchised: Mapping Red Zones in Guatemala City.” Environment and Planning A 51(3)2019: 654-669.