“Espacios de Encarcelamiento en Guatemala.” Co-authored with Anthony W. Fontes. Ecuador Debate 101 2017: 87-97.
“Making Do: The Practice of Imprisonment in Postwar Guatemala.” Co-authored with Anthony W. Fontes. Journal of Latin American Geography 16(2)2017: 120-136.
“Sex, Gender, and Religion in Latin America.” In Cambridge History of Religion in Latin America. Edited by Virginia Gerrard-Burnett and Paul Freston. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2016. Pp. 525-546
“Politics of Prayer: Christianity and the Decriminalization of Cocaine in Guatemala.” In The Anthropology of Global Pentecostalism and Evangelicalism. Edited by Simon Coleman and Rosalind Hackett. New York: New York University Press. 2015. Pp. 214-247
“On the Importance of Having a Positive Attitude.” Co-authored with Benjamin Fogarty-Valenzuela. In Violence at the Margins. Edited by Javier Auyero, Nancy Scheper-Hughes, and Philippe Bourgois. New York: Oxford University Press. 2015. Pp. 73-92.
“On Liberation: Crack, Christianity, and Captivity in Postwar Guatemala.” Social Text 32(3)2014: 11-28.